Friday, September 24, 2010


Oh goodness. Starting a business is not easy. Especially when you are starting 3. I have truly slacked. You truly must motivate yourself daily. I have found that podcast are helping me to do so. I listen to them while I am cleaning and I keep my notebook next to me while I do it. My favorite right now is She has great co-hosts and wonderful tips. I jump between Lara, Creflo Dollar and Joyce Meyer. I like that my hands are free as well as the podcasts yippee!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The testimony no one wants to hear....

We people give their testimony I love to hear where they have come from. The funny thing is that nobody asks mine......NOBODY!! People who know me already know it, because they know me and most of my close friends I have known over 10 years. They know me better than I know myself. People look at the outside and feel like, she has no struggles, she has always had it easy and is just fine. But the truth is I never went to church with my family. I knew nothing of Jesus, Easter or the bible. Of course we had that big bible on the coffee table that most households have but I never opened it. I was a "goody 2 shoes". I did things by the book just because it was the right thing to do....(ok I did a little dirt). Anyway, my father explained to me that I had the hardest testimony of all....I was living in the blessing and did not realize it. WOW! The problem is that most people who live the blessing before discovering the blessor never realize it. They feel it is all about them. However, I knew in my spirit that something was missing and I wanted it. I have met 4 people in my life that have truly made me say wow. Because, they do not need to open their mouths for you to know they have an anointing on them. 2 people I met for only 15 minutes and I do not know their names. The other 2 are Janice White, a friend from my cosmetology days and most recently Chris Brown, the children's pastor at my church. That is the way I want to show people Jesus, not by my ability to quote a verse or use Christianese to the point that I have to look up what you are talking about....I want to feel Jesus when I see you. If you are blessed to have a truly met a person that makes you say God is Real without mentioning his name....then my friend you are blessed.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Many times we have to be reminded why we do what we do. Whether it be why you choose a career, why you don't like a certain store or why you don't deal with certain people. There is a reason God prunes us. But, sometimes we want to take that branch and reattach it with duck tape and cute leaves....Guess what it does not work..keep it moving. You will put too much effort into keeping something or someone that is not meant to be kept. Many times it is painful but the pain is necessary to make the mending successful, just like resetting a bone after a fracture. You may be kicking and screaming but trust that in the end you will be grateful you did. Oh, what a hard lesson it is to learn when you feel naked without your normal army of defenses friends, family, money etc. however it is in this nakedness that your discover your strength and your abilities. Many times other things are mere distractions from what you should be doing. I have to admit I am like a cat when it comes to being easily distracted. I can quickly redirect my attention and this is set me back for years. Busy talking about why, why why instead of  Just Do It!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

A bush

Well, here we go. I am going to be starting a neighborhood American Sewing Guild group for teens. It is still in works and I am waiting for the paperwork but this is the first step for me in starting a non-profit group for young ladies. I am truly nervous I shall say, because I have retired the word Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) However, my mother has always told me that when you begin anything, that moment is the most difficult part, because everything is new. It is amazing that focus and prayer and a vision can slowly come together when you have a direction. When all other things are purged you have nothing but a raw material to mold into who truly are. I am truly blessed with support. My life and circumstances have prepared me for this moment and this journey. We always ask, what does God want for our lives and the truth is... If he told us it would blow our mind. But, he gave me a peek and I am excited about it. I feel like this bush outside my home. When I bought it, I had no idea how big it would get and it grew taller than the trees that came with the house. Even though we have cut all the huge pretty leaves from it and you can see it's bare branches, those branches are much stronger because of the weight they carried for years with the heavy leaves. I am that pruned bush and this is my fall cut back getting ready for my spring blooming season.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Deadlines, the most difficult part of goal setting in my opinion. Because now you gotta do it LOL! You wrote it down, you planned how it would be done and now guess what you have to move and test your theory. Will this hair-brained skeme of yours work?? We'll there is one gaurantee, if you don't try, it definitely won't work. Trust me I tried it does not work. The bible says you ask not because you have not. Well, guess what??? You have not because you Do Not!! Once you have done all that YOU can do God will step in to place you and your circumstances in alignment. But, DO NOT ask God for help while you file your nails and complain about how bad it is, while you wait on just the right circumstances, because those circumstances will never occur.
So, you probably ask well what are YOU doing. Well, I am sewing again. For the longest time I used my babies as an excuse for not sewing, when they should have been the reason for sewing. They are the perfect guinea pigs for new techniques. They love everything. They truly watch me sew with the eyes of a child. Watching the transormation of fabrics and yarn. This has been one the things that has made my goals become more important and believable. However, I am making things for MYSELF. This is even more amazing. I don't even buy things or myself, much less make something. But here I am starting the true entreprenerial journey of create the McLeod Ladies Legacy. I see it!! I believe in it!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thank You.

No Excuse....I need to find one of these t-shirts because that is my motto. I began my business plan last week and realized that I actually need to write 3. Nonprofit, sewing classes and an actual clothing line. WOW! I drove out of my subdivision and looked at the houses as if I would be away from them very soon. I have my home on my vision board. I know the area where I want to be. My husband told me he wants to retire in 10-15 years and I know he will be working for me as my accountant. We won't stop. Our family has come a long way. From food stamps....1 car...starter jobs....small apartment. You can truly have an attitude of gratitude when you have seen how far you have come. When I pray the first thing I do is say thank you. When I had a root canal yesterday, I said thank you for giving me a husband with benefits to take care of his family and money to pay the deductible LOL!
But seriously, I have begun to that. Say thank you instead of cussing about what I have to do. Be happy you have the resources to go through it. You will see a major difference when you do just that. Thank You!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

4 year networking plan

As a stay at home mom my time is limited. Therefore I have decided to develop a rolodex of awesome contacts in the next 3-4 years. I have read on of the best networking books ever and I am ready for success. A person is only as good as her contacts and that is what my goal is. 4 groups I am going to join
1.Toastmasters, I have always been told that I am a very fun and good public speaker and the Toastmasters group I am planning on joining, meets during the morning and I can drop off my children and take a day....killing 2 birds with one stone and being able to handle other business on this day.
2. Mocha Moms, because my business is sewing I know I can find plenty of women who need alterations, costumes etc. Plus I can meet other Mom's that are at home and maybe get tips on making life easier. Plus it is a great play date for the 2 little ones. 2 birds with one stone again!
3. American Sewing Guild-This is an organization that caters to my skill set. I can find out the latest techniques and have a great organization for my credentials.
4.Kiwanis- This is a volunteer organization and once again they meet during the day and I can easily use this meeting day to handle other business.
There you have it. 4 organizations that will get my networking out with a bang! Building contacts is the heart of business it reminds me why I am in business. These events are fun for me. I will keep you update on the progress that is made.